

A graduate of The School of Dramatic Arts at The University of Southern California, Noah has been acting since the 7th grade. He was a born performer from a young age—more content dancing at third base than catching pop flies in tee-ball—so naturally, Noah has been pursuing an acting career since he knew such a thing was an option. Noah worked professionally while completing high school in the California Bay Area, appearing in such titles as The Boat Builder (2015) and American Wrestler: The Wizard (2016). He then took his passions to USC’s Bachelor of Fine Arts acting program where he performed on their stages in Spring Awakening, Twelfth Night, Great Expectations, and Bus Stop. Noah also has a love for creating his own work, and, when not in class, has enjoyed being the writer/director/fight choreographer/producer/editor for a few projects of his own. In 2020, Noah was cast as “James” in the exciting indie production Burn Rider which is set to release in 2021. Now, Noah looks to the future and wonders excitedly what new projects await him.